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HoverMatt® Disposable Sheet

Disposable Sheet

The Disposable Sheet is electronically weakened down the center to allow for easy removal. It is especially applicable in the ER, OR and during any procedure that results in excessive bodily fluids.

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    HoverMatt® Disposable Sheet

    Disposable, waterproof sheet for all HoverMatts

    The Disposable Sheet is designed to be placed on top of the HoverMatt® Air Transfer Mattress and our other patient-handling products to protect them from becoming soiled. It features an absorbent top layer and a waterproof underside to prevent fluids from penetrating. Additionally, the sheet is electronically weakened down the centre, allowing easy removal. It is especially useful in the ER, OR, and during procedures involving excessive bodily fluids.




    HoverMatt Mattress – Air assisted transfer in hospital

    HoverMatt SPU – How to place the mattress

    HoverMatt SPU & HoverJack – Move a person from the floor

    HoverMatt SPU & Evacuation HoverJack – Stairwell evacuation

    HoverMatt SPU – Arriving at the hospital


    Length (mm) 2180 Width (mm) 1090
    Material Non-woven, polyethylene. Construction: Thermal bonding


    Code Qty
    HoverMatt Disposable Sheet HMDS3-5PACK 5
    HoverMatt Disposable Sheet HMDS3-CASE 100


    Washing Instructions

    • Single time use
    • Dispose after use