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Shay Healy Sleeping Soundly Again on the Thevo Mobility Mattress

For the past two months I have been testing a mattress designed especially for people with Parkinson’s. It is geared to make sleeping more comfortable and ameliorate pain in the morning. It was and has been beneficial across a range of the complications of Parkinson’s. There’s a special mattress for wheel-chair users and even one for those with dementia.

As a final test, I slept last night in my old mattress and when I got up this morning, “Jaysus the pain” is all I can say.

The difference between my old mattress and my new one is inestimable.

They are called Thevo Mobility mattresses and what happens is when your body moves, the mattress automatically counters the move and puts you back on an even keel……

Stay sane

Shay Healy

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