In the 5th and final article in this series on pressure ulcers we’re taking a look at a range of high-quality pressure-relieving wheelchair cushions – the Star Cushion range: high-risk, high performance pressure-relieving cushions. Now Owned by Etac The...
How to prevent pressure ulcers on the buttocks? The first article in this series identified what a pressure ulcer is and explained how pressure ulcers can form when pressure is applied to an area of the body over a long period of time. This pressure restricts the...
How to tell if I have a pressure sore? For medical professionals, the Quick Reference Guide for Prevention and Treatment of Pressure Ulcers released by the EPUAP, NPUAP and PPPIA contains guidelines for assessing and preventing pressure sores. For others who may be...
The previous article in this series helped answered the question – What is a pressure ulcer? – as well as outlining how prevalent they are, how they develop and who is at risk of developing a pressure ulcer. In this article, we’ll be looking at answering...
What is a pressure ulcer? A pressure ulcer is a localised injury to the skin and/or underlying tissue usually over a bony prominence, as a result of pressure, or pressure in combination with shear. (1) They most often develop on skin and tissue that covers boney areas...
The offices and warehouse of O Neill Healthcare will close for the Christmas break on Friday 21st December and we will reopen on January 2nd 2019. Thank you for your support and assistance throughout 2018. We wish you and yours a Happy Christmas and look forwarding...
Whether you are buying a wheelchair privately or being prescribed a chair by a Healthcare Professional, it is useful to know what is available and how it will perform. Performance with independence is an achievable goal. When prescribed by a healthcare professional, a...
Due to the growing popularity of the EMST150 (Expiratory Muscle Strength Trainer) amongst physiotherapists and other healthcare professionals, we have decided to put together this article answering some of the main questions about respiratory muscle strength training....
Aidan and Eoin were in NUIG last week doing an education session with 3rd and 4th year Occupational Therapy and Speech and Language Therapy students. If you would like to arrange an education session for you or your colleagues let us know, email us at...
Dubliner who suffered serious brain injury in ‘freak’ accident offered ‘miracle’ lifeline by HSE By Alan O’Keeffe – Full Article Padraig Schaler, a young man from Dublin, was left severely brain damaged and unable to move or speak...