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North Tipperary Children’s Services

North Tipperary Children’s Services

Today, our education officer, Eoin visited North Tipperary Children’s Services and did a product demonstration to both Occupational Therapists and Physiotherapists on a selection of pediatric products from our 2018 range. Many thanks to Ann Somers, Senior...

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Introducing The Star Cushion Range

Introducing The Star Cushion Range

  Why would your client need a Star Cushion? They are a high risk of skin breakdown and pressure area development. They require an air cushion (gold standard in pressure relief). They require the highest level of cushioning with maximal postural stability. Get to...

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Christmas Arrangements 2017

Christmas Arrangements 2017

December 15th 2017 is the last day for order despatching (for all in-stock items) to be sure of pre-Christmas delivery. The offices and warehouse of O Neill Healthcare will be closing on December 22nd and reopening January 2nd.  Thank you for your support and...

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Announcing Our New Website

Announcing Our New Website

We are delighted to announce our newly refurbished website Over the past months we have completely refurbished our website, We have undertaken this in order to help us provide more education facilities, resources and assistance to healthcare...

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Mon - Friday 8.30a.m. - 1.00p.m.
  2.00p.m. - 5.00p.m.
Sat - Sun Closed 


Unit 106, Baldoyle Industrial Estate, Baldoyle, Dublin, Ireland.

Contact Details

P: +353 1 832 6509
