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Thevo Sleeping Star

Bed time – often a nightmare
Many children with special needs have sleep disorders or disturbances, affecting parents and other family members.

Bed time - often a nightmare

Many children with special needs have sleep disorders or disturbances, affecting parents and other family members.

Features and Benefits
These disorders include:
  • issues with falling asleep and staying asleep
  • restlessness during sleep, as well as disorientation upon awakening.
  • Sleep disorders affect a child‘s natural growth and development.
Improved sleep with the Sensory Support Mattress:
  • MiS Micro-Stimulation® supports mobility
  • Improves body perception
  • Reduces spasms and pain
  • Calms the child for restorative sleep
Thevo Mobility Beds for children are available from:

Width: 60cm to 120cm (23.6" to 47.2")
Length: 120cm to 220cm (47.2" to 86.6")

The components

 Thevo Sleeping Star Cover

Removable and easy to clean for optimal hygiene

 Thevo Sleeping Star Wing Suspension
Wing suspensions

Have a positive influence on the children’s restless sleep by providing tiny movement impulses

 Thevo Sleeping Star Mattress

Is especially tailored to the needs of children with special needs to provide comfortable sensation of lying

 Thevo Sleeping Star Suspension
Positioning suspension

Soft sensation of lying – extended sleep phases is optimally tailored to the sleep and lying requirements of children with special needs